About me

I am a behavioral scientist applying data science to describe and understand social and political phenomena. I am employed as a data scientist with the Copenhagen Police Department. My current academic projects seek to understand how individuals process factual information, how individuals generalize from anecdotal evidence, and how individuals act upon factual information. In collaboration with unions and nonprofits, I have designed and implemented large-scale research projects to study trust in the bureaucracy and crime misperceptions.

I am a keen user of R stats and I have taught courses on statistics, causal inference, and programming in addition to substantive courses on comparative politics to undergraduate and graduate students.


I am employed as a data scientist with the Copenhagen Police Department, where I analyse data from a range of sources to inform decision-making and facilitate intelligence led policing. Previously, I was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Copenhagen and part of the Behavioral and Experimental Public Administration Lab (BEPAL). I hold a PhD and an MSc in political science from the University of Copenhagen as well as an MSc in comparative politics from the London School of Economics and Political Science. In 2019 I was a Fulbright visiting fellow at Harvard University's Institute for Quantitative Social Science and I was a visiting scholar at The Center on the Politics of Development, UC Berkeley. I previously held a position as project scientist at Uber Denmark.

Recent posts

PhD defence

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On May 4 2020 I successfully defended my dissertation titled "The Political Machine and Electoral Institutions -- Targeting Voters, Brokers and the State".

Interview about the PhD program

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In January I was interviewed for an internal video on the PhD program at the Department of Political Science at the University of Copenhagen. The video can ...